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Why Collect US Mint Eagles Signed By John Mercanti And Ed Moy

Why Collect US Mint Eagles Signed By John Mercanti And Ed Moy

Mar 29, 2020

Posted by LCR Coin

Yes, my opinion is biased but for all the right reasons. I have been in this market a very long time, in fact, longer than the Gold and Silver Eagles have existed. Having a ring side seat to all the major market moments over the last 35 years has not only been fascinating, but also given me an advantage in my career. Do what you say and say what you do. Build relationships not transactions. Help people get what they want and they will come back. These are philosophies I have learned throughout my career and they are what I use to operate LCR Coin. 

Another result of my career path has been the great people I have met and can call my friends. Not knowing at the time but looking back now, when I retained Ed at my former company, Morgan Gold, I was hiring the first Chief Strategist who is a former US Mint Director at any company. I became friends with John Mercanti as mutual dinner guests and social events over the years. At the time it was just a friendship. Later it became part of selling Mercanti signed Silver Eagles. 

Fast forward to the last few years and Ed has been involved with many other coin programs and continues to thrive in the industry as well as championing causes that are truly for global good. It is an honor to know him. I believe strongly that any coin label he is part you should add to your collection. 

Since 1986 the US Mint has produced the bullion version of the Silver Eagle. Every year the Mint produces a Proof version of that coin, a completely different production than the regular coin. The Proof production is a small fraction of the bullion version. As a result, the Proof version signed by John Mercanti and graded NGC PF70 has become one of the best performing modern collectible Certified coins. LCR Coin has been helping investors and collectors acquire complete date runs of their John Mercanti NGC PF70 collections or add better dates to fill holes in their collection. 

At LCR Coin you can rest assured all coins are guaranteed authentic, we are an authorized dealer for NGC and PCGS, provide free insured shipping and have a money back guarantee. 

You can buy from bigger companies with big sales floors, brokers and large advertising budgets but in the end, you are paying higher prices for the same coins. 

Another key difference is we are selecting the best coins available for our customers. Meanwhile the big companies buy in bulk sight unseen and push product to meet sales quotas. 

We build relationships, not sales goals. Happy hunting for your NGC Graded and Certified American Gold and Silver Eagles Signed by Edmund Moy and John Mercanti. 

Buy from the experts at LCR Coin.

Shop Mercanti - CLICK HERE