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Flowing Hair Half Dime

Flowing Hair Half Dime

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Flowing Hair Half Dime:

The Flowing Hair variety of Half Dime was designed by the then-Chief Engraver of the US Mint Robert Scot. Scot used this design on both Half Dimes, Half Dollars and Dollar coins. As there is no denomination displayed on these coins, the size and weight of the coin determines the denomination.

Scot’s design was simplicity itself. The obverse had a simple Miss Liberty portrait, looking upward, and facing right. Above her was the motto “LIBERTY” and below her was the date “1794.” She is surrounded by 15 stars – 8 to the left and 7 to the right.

There was a scrawny American eagle with wings spread holding wreath in her talons on the reverse. The wreath surrounds the eagle, and the words “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” is around the periphery. Some 7,000+ coins were struck dated 1794 but Mint records are incomplete. Those 7,000+ coins are included in the 86,416 allocated to 1795. The only difference between these two coins is the actual date. The coins dated 1795 are slightly better struck than the 1794 counterparts but both coins are eagerly sought as relics of President George Washington’s administration.


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