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Half-Cents and Cents

Half-Cents and Cents

  • 1793 Wreath 1C S-8 Vine and Bars Edge BN Large Cent PCGS MS67
    1793 Wreath 1C S-8 Vine and Bars Edge BN Large Cent PCGS MS67
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 910524002

    1793 Wreath 1C S-8 Vine and Bars Edge BN Large Cent PCGS MS67

    As low as:  
  • 1843 1/2 C ORIGINAL BN CAC Proof Half Cent PCGS PR63
    1843 1/2 C ORIGINAL BN CAC Proof Half Cent PCGS PR63
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 910583002

    1843 1/2 C ORIGINAL BN CAC Proof Half Cent PCGS PR63

    As low as:  
  • 1859 1C FS-302 S-2 Indian Cent PCGS MS65
    1859 1C FS-302 S-2 Indian Cent PCGS MS65
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 776141001

    1859 1C FS-302 S-2 Indian Cent PCGS MS65

    As low as:  
  • 1862 1C Indian Cent CACG MS65
    1862 1C Indian Cent CACG MS65
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 766888003

    1862 1C Indian Cent CACG MS65

    As low as:  
  • 1864 1C L On Ribbon RB Indian Cent NGC MS66
    1864 1C L On Ribbon RB Indian Cent NGC MS66
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 775242005

    1864 1C L On Ribbon RB Indian Cent NGC MS66

    As low as:  
  • 1872 1C BN CAC Indian Cent PCGS MS65
    1872 1C BN CAC Indian Cent PCGS MS65
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 775242029

    1872 1C BN CAC Indian Cent PCGS MS65

    As low as:  
  • 1908-S 1C RB Indian Cent PCGS MS64
    1908-S 1C RB Indian Cent PCGS MS64
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 520707008

    1908-S 1C RB Indian Cent PCGS MS64

    As low as:  
  • 1908-S 1C RD Indian Cent PCGS MS67
    1908-S 1C RD Indian Cent PCGS MS67
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 776141002

    1908-S 1C RD Indian Cent PCGS MS67

    As low as:  
  • 1909-S 1C Indian BN Indian Cent PCGS AU55
    1909-S 1C Indian BN Indian Cent PCGS AU55
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 774720017

    1909-S 1C Indian BN Indian Cent PCGS AU55

    As low as:  
  • 1909-S/S 1C S/Horizont RD Lincoln Cent CACG MS65
    1909-S/S 1C S/Horizont RD Lincoln Cent CACG MS65
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 520860001

    1909-S/S 1C S/Horizont RD Lincoln Cent CACG MS65

    As low as:  
  • 1912-D 1C RD Lincoln Cent PCGS MS64
    1912-D 1C RD Lincoln Cent PCGS MS64
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 771340109

    1912-D 1C RD Lincoln Cent PCGS MS64

    As low as:  
  • 1922 No D Strong Reverse BN Lincoln Cent NGC F12 (775418066)
    1922 No D Strong Reverse BN Lincoln Cent NGC F12 (775418066)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 775418066

    1922 No D Strong Reverse BN Lincoln Cent NGC F12 (775418066)

    As low as:  
  • 1939 1C RD Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR67 (769223001)
    1939 1C RD Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR67 (769223001)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 769223001

    1939 1C RD Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR67 (769223001)

    As low as:  
  • 1956 1C Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR68
    1956 1C Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR68
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 771207003

    1956 1C Proof Lincoln Cent NGC PR68

    As low as:  
  • 1995 1C DBL DIE Lincoln Cent NGC MS68+ (766802005)
    1995 1C DBL DIE Lincoln Cent NGC MS68+ (766802005)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 766802005

    1995 1C DBL DIE Lincoln Cent NGC MS68+ (766802005)

    As low as:  

Half Cents and Cents:

The Coinage Act of 1792 established that the United States needed a minting facility of it’s own, that the Dollar should be the standard unit of its coinage and that the Half Cents, Cents, Half Dimes, Dimes, Quarter Dollars, Half Dollars, Dollars, and three sizes of gold coins – Quarter Eagles, Half Eagles and Eagle coins - should all be struck by the Mint. President Washington agreed and supported the establishment of a United States Mint and the Coinage Act, but he did not want his likeness to be placed on the nation’s coins as he had fought a war with a country whose King was on its coinage.

The earliest circulating American coins were struck in 1793 and those were copper Half Cents and Large Cents. Even though the coins had an uncomplicated design – an allegorical representation of Liberty on the obverse and the phrases “United States of America” and the denominations “Half Cent” or “One Cent” on the reverse - there were still numerous types of each struck. The obverses and reverses of each denomination were the same except for the size of the coins and the denomination stated. Half Cents contained one half-cent’s worth of copper and Large Cents had one-cent’s worth of copper.

Both series were issued from 1793 to 1857 and during that last year, the Half Cent denomination was eliminated, and the Cent coin design was changed, and the size was reduced. There are different styles of designs for both Half Cents and Large Cents including the famous “Chain Cent” which displays a chain of 13 links, representing the 13 original Colonies. Both of these denominations of copper coins are avidly and eagerly collected by date or by variety.


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