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Two Cent

Two Cent

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Two Cent Piece:

During the American Civil W, the US Mint was dealing massive shortages of gold, silver, and even copper-nickel coins. The Mint was already complaining that copper-nickel coins were wreaking havoc on their very limited coin dies. So, the Mint change the composition of its new coinage design to bronze and increased the denomination to Two Cents. This coin would not replace the One Cent coin but would be struck in addition to it. The Coinage Act of 1864 authorized this new denomination.

Like the Three Cent Silver, this new coin, designed by James Longacre, did not bear a portrait of Miss Liberty. Instead, a patriotic shield dominated the obverse. The familiar wreath with denomination inside was on the reverse. But because the War was still ongoing, the coin was the first American coin to bear the motto – IN GOD WE TRUST.

First struck in 1864, this coin had two major types – a Large Motto and a Small Motto, with the latter being considerably rarer. They were struck until 1873, when the denomination was discontinued. The last date, 1873 also has distinct varieties - Open 3 and a Closed 3. The Open 3 was only struck as a Proof condition coin.


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