{"timestamp":"Wednesday, Mar 12 04:30:02 AM","spotTime":"\/Date(1741753802000)\/","platinumChangePercent":1.8400000000000000799360577730112709105014801025390625,"goldAsk":2921.90000000000009094947017729282379150390625,"platinumChange":18,"silverAsk":33.0799999999999982946974341757595539093017578125,"silverBid":32.97999999999999687361196265555918216705322265625,"silverChangePercent":1,"goldBid":2917.90000000000009094947017729282379150390625,"platinumAsk":998.6000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,"goldChangePercent":0.1700000000000000122124532708767219446599483489990234375,"platinumBid":990.6000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,"goldChange":5,"palladiumBid":943,"palladiumChangePercent":1.0300000000000000266453525910037569701671600341796875,"activeFeed":"DDB P","palladiumChange":9.800000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125,"areStale":0,"silverChange":0.330000000000000015543122344752191565930843353271484375,"palladiumAsk":963}
CAC (Certified Acceptance Corporation) to begin Grading Services in 2023

CAC (Certified Acceptance Corporation) to begin Grading Services in 2023

CAC (Certified Acceptance Corporation) brings additional premiums to coins with the green or gold (gold is rare) CAC stickers. The CAC sticker means the coin has been verified meeting the strict standard for quality within its grade and is backed behind CAC. In 2023 alone we have seen certified coins with CAC stickers selling at record prices, on average 25% more premium. There has been a growing demand for improving the third-party grading services in the United States. There are only two major companies currently, which are NGC and PCGS. CAC stickers are currently only available on PCGS or NGC graded coins.

John Albanese of CAC has announced he has created a new third-party grading service building on the success of Certified Acceptance Corporation. CAC is expected to begin grading coins in the first half of 2023. They will implement their strict standards within their grading system. Over 100 dealers and collectors have invested in the new company. LCR Coin is proud to be one of those investors.

LCR Coin will be offering CAC graded coins on, which is anticipated to be sometime in 2023. We will be offering our customers an opportunity to submit their coins for CAC grading or crossover. CAC Grading will begin with U.S. coins initially and will eventually expand to World coins. CAC will continue to review NGC and PCGS coins as they currently do, with pricing and service tiers yet to be determined. Coins already graded by other services bearing the CAC stickers are welcome in the CAC registry as they are. CAC stickers will be phased out over time.

Keep an eye out on for new coins graded by CACG.