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Highly Anticipated 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets: CAC MS70 First Day of Delivery

Highly Anticipated 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets: CAC MS70 First Day of Delivery

Jun 24, 2023

Posted by LCR Coin, Inc

The coin industry was abuzz with excitement during the release of the 2021 100th Anniversary Morgan and Peace Dollars. Building upon that momentum, collectors and investors eagerly await the arrival of the highly anticipated 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets. This time, the introduction of the Certified Acceptance Corporation (CAC) First Day of Delivery program adds an extra layer of significance. Notably, these sets are among the first modern silver coins to be graded by CAC, making them a remarkable addition to any collection.

  1. The Legacy of the 2021 Morgan Peace Dollars: The 2021 Morgan Peace Dollars marked a significant milestone, commemorating the 100th anniversary of these iconic coin series. Their release created a surge of enthusiasm among collectors, as they celebrated the historical significance and exquisite designs of these special edition coins.
  2. The Arrival of the 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets: Continuing the legacy of their predecessors, the 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets are poised to capture the hearts of numismatists worldwide. These sets offer an opportunity to acquire the newest additions to these esteemed series, showcasing refined designs and expert craftsmanship that pay homage to their historic roots.
  3. Certified Acceptance Corporation (CAC) Third-Party Grading: One of the most noteworthy aspects of the 2023 sets is that they are among the first modern silver coins to be graded by CAC. CAC's entry into the world of grading services adds a new dimension to the evaluation and certification of these coins. John Albanese founded NGC and PCGS and later created CAC as a stickering service. Now CAC has launched their new grading service to ensure higher standards in grading. Collectors can expect the exceptional quality and authenticity of their acquisitions to be further verified and confirmed by the esteemed CAC seal of approval.
  4. First Day of Delivery Program: The inclusion of the CAC First Day of Delivery program adds an element of exclusivity and collectible appeal to the 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets. This program allows collectors to secure these sets directly from the first day of release, ensuring their place in history and giving them access to coins that are encapsulated and designated with the coveted CAC First Day of Delivery label. In addition, each coin with be awarded the famous CAC sticker for excellence in grade.
  5. Significance for Collectors and Investors: The 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets hold immense appeal for both collectors and investors. Collectors can continue their pursuit of completing comprehensive series, while also celebrating the newest additions to their collections. Simultaneously, investors recognize the value of these coins, with their intrinsic silver content and historical significance serving as tangible assets that can potentially appreciate over time.
  6. Implications for the Coin Industry: The fact that the 2023 Morgan Peace Dollar Sets are among the first modern silver coins to be graded by CAC highlights the growing recognition and influence of this grading service within the industry. This development further solidifies CAC's position as a trusted authority in the evaluation and certification of coins, enhancing the confidence of collectors and investors in the marketplace.
  • The 2023 Morgan and Peace Dollar Sets are poised to captivate and inspire enthusiasts, further enhancing the reputation and influence of CAC within the coin industry. Being among the first modern silver coins to be graded by CAC adds an extra layer of authentication and value to these sets. As collectors and investors eagerly await their arrival you can now Pre-Order these sets from LCR Coin. LCR Coin is a Founding Member and an authorized CAC dealer and you can be assured confidence when purchasing from a trusted dealer.