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Russia, Ukraine, Gold and YOU!

Russia, Ukraine, Gold and YOU!

Apr 14, 2022

Posted by LCR Coin

How current events are affecting you, your family, and your retirement.

  • Is the Reserve Currency Pendulum swinging now from West to East?
  • What we are witnessing is not a simple recalibration of the world order.
  • We could be at the end of the reign of the Dollar and its reserve currency status.
    The rise and fall of empires throughout recorded history were periods of volatility and conflict. That transition is a multiyear process ushering in the ‘changing of the guards’, which results in a tectonic shift of economy and culture. This trend of transitions has similar parallels pertaining to war and reserve currency status.

Post WWII, the world reserve currency was based on the Bretton Woods system of a gold backed US dollar. During the 1960's, many began to question its authenticity as a reserve currency. 

French President Charles De Gaulle, embodied a sovereign nation-state perspective and was most vocal in 1965. He awakened the world to see that the US was not operating a gold standard with due diligence. 

In the following years, cracks began to appear in the US’ mismanagement of the US dollar, forcing parties to demand physical gold instead of dollars. In a desperate move to shield the US dollar's reserve currency status, an emergency measure was taken. 

A temporary suspension of interchangeability from US dollars into gold was declared. This was done in 1971, by then US President Richard Nixon under the claims that speculators were trying to make a run on the dollar. 

Soon after, major oil producers such as Saudi Arabia entered an agreement with the US to trade oil, denominated in USD only. In exchange for this agreement, the US promised in return, security in the Middle East. 

This placed the USD reserve currency status by making it the petrodollar. Over half a century later, that ‘temporary’ suspension of interchangeability into gold is still in place. 

Also, the US accumulated over $30 trillion USD in debt and had no independent audit conducted of the US gold reserve holdings since.

March 2022, the United States and the NATO allies are placing sanctions on Russia. In the meantime, Russia is attempting to implement an arsenal of financial architecture to bypass the SWIFT system. Time will tell if these western economic warfare tactics will work as intended. The intention of the west's economic war is more than curtailing Russia's kinetic war. Western economic warfare at this scale is intended to destroy the Russian economy. Any failing economy will generate enough dissatisfaction among citizens resulting in destabilization. The end of a world reserve currency status, (not the currency itself), is historically accompanied with a shift in world order.

The media is reporting that the ruble is crashing post western sanctions. But some report that the ruble has now recovered to pre-sanction levels. A yuan redeemable oil contract is being traded on the Shanghai Energy Exchange. The inter-convertibility into gold for this oil contract is planned. When the east begins using gold as a unit of account in trade, physical gold demand may very well increase. Should that happen, what will result to the gold markets at the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and the US based Commodities Mercantile Exchange (COMEX)? The east will attempt to detach the gold market from the USD system giving them an ability to set a gold price floor denominated in their own currencies. Is that possible? Probable?

So how will all of this affect YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and YOUR RETIREMENT?

  • 1.We believe that one of the end results of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine will be additional upward pressure on World Gold prices.
  • 2.Russia, China, most of Europe, and certainly the United States are all strong players in this world drama.
  • 3.The United States, Russia, and China are numbers 1, 5 and 6 respectively in the amount of World Gold Reserves held by their Central Banks.
  • 4.Russia and China are acquiring Gold at a faster rate than the US or its allies.
  • 5.The price of Gold seems poised to increase dramatically however the Ukrainian situation is resolved.
  • 6.Adding Gold to your portfolio, or to your retirement plan seems to be the necessary and prudent thing to do.
  • 7.Gold supplies are currently available,
  • 8.Call the Gold Experts at LCR COIN – NOW!
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