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​The 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars

​The 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars

The 2023 Morgan and Peace dollars are expected to generate strong interest from collectors and investors. The coins will be struck to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the Morgan and Peace dollar series. Like the 2021 re-releases, the 2023 coins will feature the original designs but will be struck in .999 fine silver rather than the original 90% silver composition. The Morgan and Peace Silver Dollar Proof Coins will bear the “S” mint mark reflecting it’s striking at the San Francisco Mint. The uncirculated Morgan and Peace Dollar with be minted in Philadelphia and will have no mint mark.

Morgan and Peace Dollar Mintage:

  • 2023 Morgan and Peace Dollar Two-Coin Reverse Proof Set will have a mintage of 250,000.
  • 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollar Proof Coin will each have a Mintage of 400,000.
  • 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollar Uncirculated Coin will have a mintage of 275,000.

The US Mint release date of the 2023 Morgan and Peace dollars will be fall of 2023. Based on the success of the 2021 re-release, the 2023 coins will be very popular among collectors and investors who are interested in American numismatic history of the Morgan and Peace Dollar.

LCR Coin will begin Pre-Sale options for the 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars in the fall. We will be carrying the Morgan and Peace Silver dollars certified and graded by PCGS and NGC. Do not miss out on your opportunity to own these coins. These coins will sell fast. The US Mint is expected to sell out in minutes. We will send out an email to all of our customers once they available on and you can always check our listings here Morgan/Peace Dollar for the Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars.