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​Why Buy Gold and Silver from LCR Coin Online?

​Why Buy Gold and Silver from LCR Coin Online?

LCR Coin is located in the heart of Hill Country Texas and has long established ourselves as a reputable dealer of precious metals, modern and rare coins, with a strong focus on customer service and transparency. Here are some reasons why you might consider buying coins from LCR Coin: 

1. High-Quality Products: LCR Coin offers a wide selection of high-quality coins and bullion, including rare and collectible coins from the US Mint and ship nationally as well as around the world. Our company's inventory is carefully curated and includes coins that have been graded by leading third-party grading services, such as PCGS and NGC, which can provide assurance about the authenticity and condition of the coins. 

2. Competitive Pricing: LCR Coin is known for offering competitive pricing on its products, with transparent pricing policies and no hidden fees. Our company's pricing is updated in real-time, which means that customers can take advantage of price fluctuations in the market. 

3. Knowledgeable Staff: Our team at LCR Coin includes experts in the field of numismatics, who can provide guidance and advice to customers looking to invest in rare or collectible coins. Our company prides itself on its knowledgeable and friendly customer service, which can help customers make informed decisions about their purchases. 

4. Industry Memberships: LCR Coin is a member of several industry organizations, including PNG, ANA, ICTA, NGC and the PCGS. These memberships demonstrate our company’s commitment to ethical business practices and our involvement in the wider numismatic community. 

5. Services Offered: In addition to selling coins and bullion, LCR Coin also offers a range of related services, such as gold and silver IRA’s, appraisals, auctions, sending qualified coins to grading, legacy collections, help with building new collection or help locating a specific coin. These services can help our customers make informed decisions about their purchases and ensure that they are getting the most value for their investment. 

6. Company Background: LCR Coin is a family-owned and operated business. We pride ourselves on our family values and commitment to providing personalized service to our customers. It is our committed to provide exceptional service, expert advice, and quality products to our valued clients. 

LCR Coin is an excellent option for those looking to invest in precious metals or rare coins. Being a family-owned and operated business has several advantages for our customers, including a personal touch, a strong commitment to customer service, and a long-term perspective on business relationships. LCR Coin's family-oriented approach has contributed to our success and reputation as a trusted dealer in the precious metals and rare coins industry. 

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please email or call us Monday through Friday 9am-4pm Central time at 800.830.5578.