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International Depository Services (IDS)

About IDS

Opening an IDS Account

Opening an account is very simple. You only need to download and fill out the applicable Custody Agreement below and provide a copy of a government-issued, photo ID. You can submit a form for either our location in Texas or Delaware. You also have the option of choosing an account for personal custody or corporate custody accounts.

There is no cost to open or maintain a storage account. There is also no minimum level of holdings, however there is a minimum storage charge per billing cycle. For Texas, that is $300 every six months.

IDS does not participate in any sale or purchase of metals, so when you would like to liquidate, you lock a trade with a dealer and simply provide us the appropriate instructions regarding what to do with the metal. You can do that via signed paper form or through our online portal, Vault Direct, where you can also view your holdings, transaction history, and past invoices. Of course, if you are selling to LCRC, there would be no transit time or shipping/handling costs.

Create Individual Accounts (Click Below)

Personal Custody Agreement for IDS of Texas

Personal Custody Agreement for IDS of Delaware