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History of the American Gold Buffalo Coin

History of the American Gold Buffalo Coin

The $50 One Ounce American Gold Buffalo is a 24-karat gold bullion coin first minted by the United States Mint in 2006. The design of the coin is based on the original Indian Head nickel, which was in circulation from 1913 to 1938. The obverse of the coin features a profile of a Native American, while the reverse features an image of an American buffalo, also known as a bison.

The Gold Buffalo is the first 24-karat gold coin ever produced by the US Mint, and it has become a popular choice among collectors and investors due to its purity and the classic design. The coins are issued in one-ounce sizes and come in Proof or Mint State (MS), which is the bullion version.

The coins are minted at the West Point Mint in New York and carry a face value of $50 for the one-ounce coin. 2008 is the only year the US Mint produced fractional sizes. Those coins come in $25 for the half-ounce coin, $10 for the quarter-ounce coin, and $5 for the tenth-ounce coin.

Overall, the Americn Gold Buffalo is a popular and prestigious gold bullion coin produced by the US Mint, and it continues to be sought after by collectors and investors all around the world.

The 2023 Proof Gold Buffalos will have a limited mintage of only 16,000 and will be available in May of 2023. You can purchase your 2023 Proof Gold Buffalo from LCR Coin online today. Buy with confidence with our free insured shipping.