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​The 2023 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin: A Celebration of Freedom and Heritage

​The 2023 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin: A Celebration of Freedom and Heritage

The American Liberty 2023 High Relief Gold Coin is a celebration of freedom, heritage, and artistic ingenuity. Its intricate design, innovative minting technique, and profound symbolism make it a must
​History of Pre-33 Gold Coins and Why They Are So Valuable

​History of Pre-33 Gold Coins and Why They Are So Valuable

Gold coins have been used as a store of value and currency for centuries. In the United States, gold coins were minted from 1795 to 1933, before the government banned private ownership of gold. The
History of the American Gold Buffalo Coin

History of the American Gold Buffalo Coin

The $50 One Ounce American Gold Buffalo is a 24-karat gold bullion coin first minted by the United States Mint in 2006. The design of the coin is based on the original Indian Head nickel, which was
​The 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars

​The 2023 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars

The 2023 Morgan and Peace dollars are expected to generate strong interest from collectors and investors. The coins will be struck to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the Morgan and Pea