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American Innovation Dollars

American Innovation Dollars

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American Innovation Dollar

The American Innovation $1 Coin Program is a series of $1 coins struck by the United States Mint that began in 2018. It is scheduled to run through 2032 and the idea is for each coin to showcase an innovator, or innovation from a certain states or territories.

The coins will share a common obverse of the Statue of Liberty, designed by Justin Kunz and each reverse, by different designers, will depict some words or image of a truly American innovation. The composition will be manganese brass over a copper core just as all of the other “Golden Dollar” $1 coins have been.

The very first coin, in 2018, depicted the expected Statue of Liberty obverse with a reverse containing a facsimile of George Washington’s signature for having signed the First Patent that was approved by the US Patent Office. Four new coins will be issued each year but unlike most of their predecessors, these coins are not being released into circulation but are only available in bag or roll quantity directly from the US Mint. In 2018, only an introductory coin was struck. The Uncirculated issues have a “P” or “D” mintmark from the Philadelphia or Denver mints and the reverse Proof coins have an “S” mintmark signifying they were minted in San Francisco.

In 2019 to present, the states and their innovations were:

  • 2019       Delaware                             The Annie Jump Cannon
  • 2019       Pennsylvania                     The Polio Vaccine
  • 2019       New Jersey                         Thomas Edison’s Light Bulb
  • 2019       Georgia                                The Trustee’s Garden
  • 2020       Connecticut                        The Gerber Variable Scale
  • 2020       Massachusetts                  The Telephone
  • 2020       Maryland                             The Hubble Space Telescope
  • 2020       South Carolina                   Septima Clark
  • 2021       New Hampshire                In Home Video Game System
  • 2021       Virginia                                 The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
  • 2021       New York                             The Erie Canal
  • 2021       North Carolina                   Higher Education
  • 2022       Rhode Island                      Reliance Yacht
  • 2022       Vermont                              Snowboarding  
  • 2022       Kentucky                             Kentucky Bluegrass
  • 2022       Tennessee                          Tennessee Valley Authority


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