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Native American Dollars

Native American Dollars

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Native American Dollar

In 2009, the Native American $1 Coin Act was authorized to honor the contributions to America that individual Native Americans and their tribes have made to the United States. The date and the motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM” were moved to the edge of the coins for consistency and so as not to disturb the designs.

All of the coins carry the Sacagawea obverse but have different reverses honoring the individuals or tribes. There is a great deal of suggestion and decision-making on the suitability of each chosen subject before going to the Secretary of the Treasury for approval.

The 2009 coin has the subject of the spread of Three Sisters Agriculture, depicting a Native American woman planting seeds of corn, beans, and squash. The 2010 coin depicts a Hiawatha belt with five stone-tipped arrows. The 2011 coin depicts the hands of Supreme Sachem Ousamequin and Plymouth Colony Governor John Carver, holding ceremonial peace pipe. The design of the 2012 coin is “Trade Routes of the 17th Century”. The design of the 2013 coin is the “Treaty with the Lenape” which was made in 1778. This was the first formal treaty a Native American Tribe and the United States.

The 2014 dollar depicts a Native American man clasping a ceremonial peace pipe while a Native American woman holds provisions. The compass represents William Clark’s (Lewis & Clark) compass pointing Northwest. The 2015 dollar depicts Mohawk ironworkers who helped to build the New York City skyscrapers. The 2016 design honors the Native American code talkers of World War II.

The 2017 design honors Sequoyah. The 2018 design honors Oklahoman Jim Thorpe. The 2019-dollar coin honors American Indians in the Space Program depicting Mary G. Ross and John Herrington. The 2020 dollar coin honors Elizabeth Peratrovich while the 2021 dollar coin honors the role that Native Americans have played in our nation’s military service. The 2022 dollar coin honors Ely Parker, a Union Army officer under General Grant who wrote the surrender documents that General Lee signed, ending the American Civil War.


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