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Burnished Silver Eagles

Burnished Silver Eagles

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Burnished Silver Eagles

The American Silver Eagle Bullion coin was first introduced in 1986. Arguably, this coin is the most popular bullion coin in the entire world. This coin and its gold counterpart are both struck in both a Bullion (Uncirculated) and Proof finishes. But in 2006, the US Mint decided to add an additional finish to the buyers’ options. This was added as the Mint wanted to offer something different and something collectible in honor of the 20th anniversary of the American Silver Eagle.

Burnished American Silver Eagles were struck in 2006, 2007 and 2008 before a 2-year hiatus in 2009 and 2010. They started striking them again in 2011 and they have been struck yearly since then. All of the Burnished American Silver Eagle Bullion coins are struck at the West Point minting facility and all of them bear a “W” mintmark. They are shipped in a nice presentation box, complete with that certificate of authenticity.

These Burnished Silver Eagles are struck from burnished coin planchets. Unlike “regular” Silver Eagles, these coins are identifiable by their matte-like finish along with the “W” mintmark. One of the most important factors about these Burnished American Silver Eagles is that they mintage of these specific strikes is considerably lower than the non-burnished examples. Lower mintages – comparable to Proof coin mintages - a unique finish, and the coveted “W” mintmark all make Burnished Silver Eagles attractive investments to add to your bullion and coin investments. Many collectors and investors put together complete sets since these attractive coins are available.


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