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Classic Commemoratives

Classic Commemoratives

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Classic Commemoratives

Commemorative coins are those which were issued by the Mint to commemorate a person or particular event with a distinct design with reference to the special occasion on which they were issued. They are generally not intended for circulation, but are still legal tender. A large number of the older commemoratives were spent as times got hard and money was scarce. 

Whether they are the Classic commemorative coins issued from 1892 to 1954 or the Modern Commemoratives (starting in 1982 to present), they are special coins that are highly collectible.

LCR Coin makes purchasing easy! We ship FREE and insured within 3 business days. We also have a 7 day money back guarantee. If you have any questions regarding the purchase of a classic commemorative coin, please contact us at or you may call us at 800.830.5578. Shop with Confidence with buying from LCR Coin. Our reviews speak for themselves. 





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