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World Coins

World Coins

  • Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533180)
    Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533180)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 516533180

    Elizabeth II gold Proof King Henry VII 100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533180)

    As low as:  
  • Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533181)
    Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533181)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 516533181

    Elizabeth II gold Proof King Henry VII 100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533181)

    As low as:  
  • Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533182)
    Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533182)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 516533182

    Elizabeth II gold Proof King Henry VII 100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533182)

    As low as:  
  • Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533185)
    Elizabeth II gold Proof  King Henry VII  100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533185)
    U.S. Mint
    | SKU: 516533185

    Elizabeth II gold Proof King Henry VII 100 Pounds (1 oz) 2022 PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC World Coins NGC MS70 (516533185)

    As low as:  

World Coins

World coins are simply coins struck by mints other than the United States Mints. These coins are, or were, legal tender at one time by the country of issue. They can cover an extremely wide range of topics as each country has its own customs, symbols, and national heroes.

Many people collect coins from the countries from which their ancestors migrated. Other collectors chose topics to collect, such as animals, bird, ships, or maps, regardless of the issuing country. Collecting coins from the countries in a specific continent is also a popular pursuit.

There are numerous coin shows across the country that cater to world coin collectors or, who have world coin sections on their convention floors. Collecting world coins teaches one the geography and the history of the nations collected. It is generally an inexpensive portion of the hobby and beginning numismatists learn quite a bit about the world from collecting these items.  


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